JAMUARY STARTS NOW! Modular challenge accepted w/ Omnitone Melodi, Crey/Plinky Bib, Spctrl 1u BY TURBO TAMBOURINE

Jamuary Day 6 2025 BY TotoRobyn ft. Omnitone Melodi

ONE MODULE AT A TIME! Starting modular with a tiny case – ft. Rosci, Centaur’s Gates, and more! BY TURBO TAMBOURINE

Exploring Sounds From Omnitone Melodi and Rosci BY FOXENDEVOUR

Rosci Unboxing BY DEMUIRGO

Synth Anatomy

Omnitone Rosci, new budget Eurorack oscillator creates up to “111.7 quadrillion” waveforms

Digital in Eurorack is often associated with complex, endless options and screens with menu diving. The latter are disadvantages of such deep modules because you spend more time looking at the mini-screens than patching...

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